Tuesday 4 June 2013

Tank commander

This is the model I will use as my 1st Land Raiders' commander. So cool!

Now, I am on the fence about how to paint my Land Raiders.

If they are dedicated transports to my Justaerin, you would think they would be in the 1st company colours, the same as the Justaerin I have already painted. Much the same as DA Deathwing Land Raiders are bone white like the rest of the 1st company.

The other option is just to paint it the green I am yet to come up with.

And another thing, would the crew also be in the same scheme, or would they have to be in the green.

All the Land Raiders in the book are kinda half and half green and black, so maybe that will be the way to go.

Meh, something to think about I guess.


  1. Having a different colour on the tank and crew would be a visual way of denoting either change in rank or company attachment.

    Doing it in the 50/50 would be a good way of showing their own colours and who they are attached/aligned to. So I say for for that.

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  3. I think the land raider should definitely be in the 1st compnay colours and it would look awesome! For the commander, would you have a first company veteran driving the tank? I'm not sure, fluff wise I can think of arguments either way :)

    1. Yeah maybe do his shoulder pads black and the rest green, I reckon that will look sweet.
