Wednesday 19 June 2013

Bases for Death Guard

I have an idea on how I would like to do the bases on my forth coming Death Guard.  As usual my idea goes against the norm that most people have used previously, at least those that have posted pictures and ideas online have used.

What I would like to do, is use the bases as a visual representation of the various plagues etc the Nurgle marines are spreading.  Ideally I would like lush grass and meadow flowers, but the closer to the actual marines feet, have the grass and flowers spoiling as he makes his way through them.

I had considered using some green earth (which is quite brown) weathering pigments on the foliage closest to  the marine and also mix some of this up with water for a slightly muddier look around their boots.  Do you think this sounds good enough guys?  I know I know, I should try it as well.

But if you have any other suggestions, please hit me up.


  1. I reckon just use the brown dead looking static grass close in and have it get greener as it gets to the base edge.

    There are a lot of different colours you can get.

    Also buy one of those crazy static grass things we were looking at last night.

  2. Oh and meadow flowers? lol

  3. The meadow flowers in theory are meant to highlight the prettiness of nature and how Nurgles despoilment has its toll.

    1. I think it will look awesome with just grass, plus it will get the point across, no need for flowers.

  4. In the grim darkness of the far future there is only war


    in the grim darkness of the far future there are no flowers

    1. Maybe in Aarons far future there is only meadow flowers?

  5. I've been looking at the Slave to Painting sculpted bases, are they a good price?
    I'm looking at using the alien Temple ones, and think it will also help tie the army theme together.
