Sunday 2 June 2013

3 Gryphons

So as the image shows I have 3 of the IoB Gryphon riders. I have seen a couple of full on conversions where people have stripped the rider off completely and run the monster as an eagle (very cheap flyer unit for High Elves). Or I was thinking of stripping the wings off and having them as some kind of allied monstrous cavalry eg Demigryphs, or house ruling in something for them. Basically I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions. The paint Job on the one at the back left is bad enough that I would happily attempt to do any and all conversions on that one first :)


  1. Is there anything in the High Elf book they can "count as"?

  2. not really, we have eagles and Phoenixes (fire and frost) as monsters, no monstrous cav though.

  3. ALthough I just had the thought that if I could get one or 2 more guys on I could run it as a skycutter chariot (flying chariot model)

  4. Yeah I think skycutter sounds best

  5. A post by Stem!

    I dread to think how it would go making a flying boat of your own. Perhaps a diversion from the norm and make it more a platform.

    Nice to see you posting anyway bro, even if it is stinky elfs.

  6. For a platform I have a couple of small off cuts of movement tray I could use (and a whole lot of green stuff), otherwise I would probably just try to mount another elf behind the first one, and ignore the requirement for a 3rd crew member.

  7. I wouldnt even make a platform just use the models as is
