Friday, 9 January 2015

2015 - Hobby Plans.

Last year my hobby plans failed pretty hard. I got some painting done..albit speed painted Ravenwing. However I did not get my one game in per month.

This year I would like to focus on some similar goals and actually complete them.

1 - At least one game a month.

This would be nice but this involves pulling my fellow bloggers into some games. Distance, marriage, and laziness hold me back on those things currently. However now my kids are a little older I have a bit more freedom in movement (so to speak) and I also plan to revisit my home set up some gaming here is once again possible.

Further to this I would like to try to incorporate some sort of escalation campaign to encourage gaming within my group. 

2 - Mastering at least one army.

In this case the Orks that I want to finish off and build it to a point at which I have an army with options so I can try different things each game. I already have 2 nauts, 2 flyers and a stompa on the way to round off what I currently have.

 I also want to play a bit more fantasy (Josh!!)! with an aim to fun game not power lists (Josh!!!).

I am considering mixing WOC and Daemons (Legion of Chaos) together in one list. Hopefully this will provide fun and not cheese.

3 - Gaming space / table

I also want to tidy up my gaming space (garage), invest in a battlemat, and sort out all my terrain. I have already tried to order a battlemat from the Frontline aussie webstore but it seems to be broken. I have a bunch of large bases for terrain so once I decide on a battlemat colour I can there work on the terrain.

4 - Painting

I would like to keep some sort of focus ( my big weakness). Finish off my mostly complete ork force would be a good starting point as well as rebasing and tidying up the current orks as they were painted fast for a 1k doubles tourny a few years ago.

What about you guys?

1 comment:

  1. I am very keen to complete 1850 points of my Thousand Sons this year, purchased and painted.
    I must not get side tracked by the beautiful space clowns.
    And like Rob, I want to get more games in.
