Saturday, 24 May 2014

New first unit completed...

I have done it.  I have completed the first unit in my army in the new colour scheme, and it is one I am totally in love with.  Yes, it is only the cultists but they are a taste of things to come.

I could not be happier with how these guys have turned out.  I really have pushed myself on these and learnt a few new tricks.  Now to just keep the momentum going.  Five marines are already on the chop for next.

Thousand Sons cultists!
As they grew organically based on a rough guide I thought I should write down just how I did them.  Man, talk about a long document.  All up thirty different paints, more if you include the layers on the base.

The rubble like sand on the bases, that is kitty litter ladies and gents.

Why anyone would want to be a cultist I do not know.  Poor medical and dental plan, crappier gear, poor chance of survival and an even less chance of progression.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Cultists now form a gang.

Another WIP of the near complete first unit of cultists.  Just a shot taken late last night.  On completion I will do some shots in the light box.

Sven is not happy with his short mount!

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

The rabble start to form into a ~insert collective noun~ of cultists!

Whilst I have some plastic in the green bath of removal doom, I wanted to paint something 40k to keep my army growing/starting/moving etc.

As I have ten cultists all built, prepped and cleaned, I thought why not get them going.  So here is Sven, a WIP of the bare chested cultist.

I really am enamoured with how the skin has turned out.  I wanted a pallid bed sore ridden look, you know like a computer nerd who hasnt left the basement since the Heresy.  And I think I have got it.

I also have been playing with my new Foldio lightbox from Orangemonkie.  Still early stages, and my hands shake, but the pictures are not half bad.

Sven has a pretty good ab work out regime.
Hmmm, bedsores.

Ave Dominus Nox

Painting some Nightlords for the kids

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Gaming Night - Battle Report

The original intent of this post was to be an in depth battle report from the game played on our first gaming night of the year. However due to the shortness of the game I will provide a summary of events rather than an overly long report.


Rob - Imperial Tank Company

HQ Vanquisher w/ beast hunter

Commissar w/ beast hunter
Tank Destroyer

Leman Russ Battle Tank (3)
Leman Russ Executioner w/ Plasma Cannon

Vulture w/ twin linked punisher cannon

Colossus (2)
Medusa w/ enclosed crew

Josh - Eldar

Not to sure of specifics but...

Warlock Council

Dire Avengers
Wraith Guard in Wave Serpent

Crimson Hunter

Fire Prism
Wraith Knight

Maybe some more stuff

Turn One:

Guard - 
First shot kills the Wraith Knight with a beast hunter shell. That pretty much summed up the game for the Eldar.
Leman Russ kills 5 guardians
Medusa kills 3 dire avengers
Executioner 2 wounds on avatar
Leman Russ and Collosus strip 1 hull point from Fire Prism

Eldar - 
Farseer guides Fire Prism
Fire Prism destroyed weapon on Medusa. Rob rolls the Heavy Bolter as the random weapon.
Wailing Doom failed miserably

Eldar - 
Farseer guides Fire Prism
Fire Prism destroyed weapon on Medusa. Rob rolls the Heavy Bolter as the random weapon.
Wailing Doom failed miserably

Turn Two:

Guard - 
Vulture arrives from reserve
Beast Hunter shells finishes off the Avatar
Fire Prism losses last hull point
Eldar are tabled as all else are in reserve

Guard lost a single hull point and a heavy bolter on a tank.

Creature Caster Kickstarter

For those of you who are interested the Creature Caster Kickstarter is in its last week.

Basically it is an alternate source of Greater Daemons and dragons for wargaming.

Initially I was considering getting the two Slannesh look daemons, however now I am leaning towards the Maggot Demon and the Plague Angel.

Both would be worthy additions to my Nurgle list that is in the works.