Tuesday 22 October 2013

Final Thousand Sons testers

After falling more in love with this Prussian Blue (VGC) paint, I have embarked on what I hope will be my last test models before I get into my army proper.

I have been trying additional techniques with these, including highlights and shadows with the paint, and the beginnings of NMM Gold.  To you guys that know me, it is unusual for me not to be deflated at this point in painting a model.  I am actually confident about how this one will turn out.  I know I have much more to do and learn of course, but at least I think my eye is getting better and my brush control.

And of course, there is practice.

Here are three different shots of the tester with the blue base down and the starts of my gold including its shadows (yes its not just real shadow on that gold, but painted shadow!  I kid you not!).

Thousand Son test model #3 - WIP

Thousand Son test model #3 - WIP

Thousand Son test model #3 - WIP

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